Thursday, February 21, 2019

Nature-Inspired Interiors: Ways to Bring the Great Outdoors Into Your Home

Being surrounded by nature is a truly soothing experience. Unfortunately, we only get to do so for a few days a year. With that being said, if we can't venture into nature as often as we want, there are still ways we can bring its refreshing vibes inside our homes. If you too want your living space to evoke natural beauty, here are the best ways to do so.

Wall Art

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to add an outdoorsy touch to your interior, hanging some attractive wall art with scenes from nature is a great idea. You can choose from posters depicting animals for a children's bedroom to large canvas landscape art that make the perfect statement piece in a living room. Just imagine a large scale canvas landscape that shows relaxing scene such as a waterfall, a beaten hiking trail, or a clean, green field.

Without a doubt, looking at a breathtaking landscape is a great way to escape the stress of daily life in the privacy of your own home. You can even include a whole gallery wall of art depicting nature, like for instance small boxes that contain items like preserved leaves, high-definition photographs of close-up plants or insects, realistic art that mimics animals, and much more. Even black and white art can have a soothing effect when it shows naturalistic themes.

Natural Building Materials

If you're about to build a new house or are planning to remodel your existing one, including some natural building materials, can be a wonderful way to establish a connection to nature. These materials can range from naturally cut stone for your walls to marble for your bathroom ware and kitchen countertops. In fact, with a naturally cut stone, you can create a mosaic wall that shows scenes from nature.

Potted Plants

If you want to literally bring a touch of nature and create a mini indoor forest, you can always do so with the help of potted plants. You can put these fresh decorative accents everywhere from the living room to the kitchen, bedroom and even bathroom. In fact, potted plants in your bathroom along with the presence of water can help create a spa-like atmosphere. You can use small pots with cacti or succulents as centrepieces for your coffee table.

Decor Sourced Directly from Nature

And finally, my favourite trick – using items that you've found on your walks in nature. This can be anything from a rock with an unusual shape and colour to seashells collected at the beach, straw, jars of sand and other items you can easily come across when out in nature. You can scatter these elements around your home on their own, or use them to create a DIY decorative item.

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