Monday, February 25, 2019

Horse Fly Boots & Sheets: the Perfect Way to Protect Your Horse's Legs

Besides mosquitoes, flies are considered as the most annoying types of insects. Except for annoying us human beings, insects can be quite annoying and stressful for animals as well, especially for horses, as flies can literally attack them. The constant crawling, biting and sucking can make your horse distressed which is why you will need to do something about it. Buying a special food additive, a fly control system like spraying the horse with an insecticide or to invest in some other fly repellents is an option, however, one of the most common, easy and harmless ways to protect your horse/s is by investing in protective horse clothing or horse fly boots and sheets, in particular.

It may sound strange to you, but you can really find horse fly boots on the market and their main purpose is to protect horse legs from flies and other annoying insects. Generally speaking, fly horse boots can be made out of heavy-duty materials that are breathable (allowing air in), and they also have a UV-protective nylon mesh that can resist both stains and wrinkles. Except for the material and padding, you can also choose between several sizes in order to find the perfect fit for your horse. When it comes to the benefits, there are lots of them and your horse can really appreciate having some. The first and most important benefit of investing in these types of horse boots is that it will stop the stomping. How so? Well, it is well-known that flies love to swarm around horses legs that can lead to continuous stomping as horses will try to get rid of flies. Unfortunately, all these stomping movements can lead to wear and tear of both the horse's legs and shoes as well, so as you can see the main goal of fly boots is precisely this, to help your horse have a peace of mind without having to deal with the annoying flies. Additionally, it has been proven that flies are attracted to open cuts and wounds which unfortunately can lead to a lot of infections. Luckily, fly boots are a great way to protect the lower leg/s of your horse when injured as they will both protect its legs from flies while allowing for a faster wound recovery.

Horse fly sheets can also aid in decreasing horse's stress as they can cover its overall body, protecting it from fly or other insect bites. Additionally, they can protect the horse's skin from allergies as they can also have skin allergies caused by insect bites just like we human beings have. Similar to fly boots, these sheets are also breathable allowing air circulation which is of vital importance during the hot summer days. Last but not least, horse sheets can also provide sun protection as horses can also get sunburns.

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