Thursday, November 15, 2018

Addressing the Care of What to Wear: Creating an Office Capsule Wardrobe

What's constantly on the mind of all great thinkers and successful people is the phrase “What do I wear?”. Well, unless we are talking about someone whose job is to come up with great outfit ideas every morning, you know that this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, many famous entrepreneurs recently revealed that they enhance their productivity by building habits that reduce decision fatigue. And given the fact that the average person makes 35,000 decisions every day, any reduction that can bring more peace of mind is more than welcome.

What I noticed though, is that people who have naturally figured this out and decided not to prioritize wearing always different, always on point outfits every day are, in fact, in the majority of cases - men. So, why can't we as women learn a thing or two by this and simply change the perspective? Mind you, this is not a random thing at all, catching up on sleep or being able to come to work 10 minutes earlier so you can mentally prepare better for that meeting can mean a lot for your future progress. So, unless you really love deciding what to wear every day and you don't feel as if that process interferes with other priorities and ambitions, what you need is to build an office capsule wardrobe.

The tops in your capsule collection should mainly consist of blouses and shorts in neutral tones such as black, white, and blue. This way, you'll be able to get away with more outfit repeats. Wearing the same patterned shirt every week is eventually going to be noticed by everyone, but a simple white button-up can do the trick just fine. Plus, who’s to say you don’t own a few of those? Go for classy and nondescript basics and let your personality and skills in charge of the colours.

The bottoms of your collection will play the role of foundation the most and that is why they ought to be as neutral as possible. A simple black pencil skirt and black office work pants is all you need. You can wear a skirt and office work pants like that with as many different tops as you choose to.

Finally, make sure to add in a dress as well for those days when you'll want to appear more feminine, but since it will be a part of your capsule and always ready, it’ll be much easier to throw it on. Invest in a comfortable and professional looking dress in any colour you want, just make sure it's worthy of being considered a staple.

To sum up, I am not saying you should give up coming up with cute office outfits forever. But what if come Thursday and you no longer feel like your brain can handle one more decision that isn't absolutely necessary. Here's where your capsule comes into play. Some weeks, you may feel as if you can't be bothered to pair that floral skirts with a shirt at all, some days that might be exactly what you need for a pick-me-up. It all depends on your current mood.

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