Monday, March 20, 2017

Healthy Water Flavoring: Enjoy a Little Extra Taste

It is highly known that a person should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Being hydrated is essential so the organs on the body work properly and skin and hair looks good. However, for some water doesn't always taste good, which make difficult for them to drink that much.

If you are one of those, a great solution for that can be adding healthy water flavoring drops in the water. Nowadays you can find these products available at department, local and online stores. Just add a few drops in your water and taste the difference. Below are some of the healthy water flavoring drops available on the market and their possible health benefits.

Blueberry Pomegranate flavor
Adding this flavor in your water can help you enjoy various health benefits. Blueberries are high in antioxidants which are known to help lower cholesterol, slows aging and improve memory and eyesight. Pomegranate, on the other hand, protects the neonatal brain, helps in fighting cancer, prevents osteoarthritis and lower blood pressure. Making a fruit juice requires a much more work. Adding a few drops of this flavor in your water is much more convenient.

Orange flavor
To get this amazing taste just add 4-5 drops per one cup of water. Although orange is a fruit known for its Vitamin C content, what many don't know is that orange is also a good source of minerals such as iron, sodium, calcium, cooper, potassium, magnesium and sulfur. Some health benefits of orange flavor are it is good for bone health, respiratory problems, indigestion, dental care, cough and cold.

Peach Mango flavor
Peach is a delicious flavor that can be beneficial for people who suffers from aliment such as dry cough, high blood pressure, gastritis and poor digestion. Plus peach has the ability to make your skin look healthy and also add colour to the complexion. Many people like to add peach flavored drops in their water to get that taste, but what they don't know is that mango is good for eye disorders, diabetes, heat stroke, bacterial infections, diarrhea etc.

If you prefer water over artificial drinks, you will benefit the most from the healthy water flavoring drops as you can get some flavouring without extra additives. Very easy to use, all you need to get a tasteful drink is to add a couple of drops of your favorite drops into your water, and enjoy a refreshing drink.  

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