Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Take Proper Care of Gardenia Plants

There is something about Gardenia plants that makes them one of the most favourite plants among the experienced gardeners. Their highly fragrant flowers and glossy, bright, evergreen foliage that is attractive year-round is what makes this plant the perfect addition to any garden. They thrive most in warm regions as ornamental shrubs and patio plants, but they must be kept inside in regions where the weather is generally colder. However, people who are beginners in gardening consider these plants as a tricky choice and often time give up them. But the truth is all they require is some consistent maintenance in order to keep them beautiful. Once you understand what gardenia plants need to survive, growing them is very rewarding.

Outdoor gardenia care
Gardenias are plants that are too sensitive to cold weather so when they are planted outdoor they may die during severe winters. Therefore, gardenias are generally planted in the areas where winters are reasonably tolerable or they may be grown in containers and moved indoor during the cold months. When considering to plant a gardenia bush then spring or fall are the most suitable seasons for this project. When planting gardenias outdoor, keep in mind that they prefer partial shade, moist but well-drained acidic soil with a lot of nutrients. You should water your outdoor gardenias regularly and prune the bush after flowering has ceased. This process is very important if you want to keep your plant in good condition. Having your gardenias healthy means they have more chances to withstand the winter and come back stronger in spring.

Indoor gardenia care
These plants can also grow successfully in containers kept indoors. However, when growing gardenia indoor, keep in mind that this bush requires high humidity and bright light. You may find some trouble in growing your gardenia during the short days of winter, especially if you do not give the plant the required amount of humidity. Dry air can be really harmful to your gardenias and it can cause the flowers to begin dropping. Make sure you place the containers to souther-facing windows especially during the winter months. This will provide your plants with grow lights thus improve the light condition.

When to fertilize?
If you want to grow your gardenias to be beautiful and healthy, you need to ensure frequent fertilizing. Make monthly fertilization between April and November using a fertilizer formulated specifically for fun-loving plants but make sure you do not over-fertilize them. Gardenias should not be fertilized in the fall because it can stimulate growth, which can die quickly when exposed to low temperatures.

Avoid common gardenia pests

Pest will stay away from your plants only if you keep them healthy and prevent over-crowding. Too much moisture on the leaves and inappropriate temperature are another causes of insect problems. The most common insects that attack gardenia plants include scale, thrips, whiteflies, spider mites, aphids and mealy bugs.  

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