Thursday, July 7, 2016

Knowledge is Superpower: Reasons to Order Stevia Powder

Good news everyone - there is something that is sweeter and healthier than sugar. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I am talking about Stevia. The greatest trick life has ever pulled was convincing the world that there is nothing sweeter and healthier than sugar, yet you have just heard about the miraculous Stevia? Well, don't wait and order stevia powder, change your life forever! Here are a couple of reasons why you should incorporate Stevia in your daily diet!

  • Stevia is super sweet – the leafs are 15 times sweeter than sugar and the extract is around 300 times! Because it is super sweet and an extract, you only need a fifth of the land and less water than sugar. As an example, in Kenya, Stevia is grown in one-third of the land, with the rest populated with other crops.

  • Stevia has zero calories! There is a lot of blame on overweight and sugar it one of them. Now there are a lot of products on the market made with normal sugar that says “Consuming this product will not make you fat!” - well, they are wrong! Stevia is backed by years of studies and proofs that show there is no caloric inside this sweetener. Stevia is plant-based that originates from South America, that can be a part of a well-balanced diet to help you reduce energy intake without loosing any taste! Now, stuff those cookies with Stevia and keep your body in thin and good shape!

  • It does not feed Candida! A lot of people do not know about the dangerously microscopic organism that attacks your organism and hurts your immune system. Normal sugar feeds candida, yet Stevia it does not! Thumbs up!

  • Stevia – good for diabetes patients! Stevia has a glycemic index of zero, which means it does not affect your blood sugar! Studies have shown that Stevia sweeteners do not make the insulin of the body react, which allows people who suffer from diabetes to eat a wide range of foods! Another study has shown that there is no effect on the blood glucose, hypertension or body weight, which technically makes Stevia the best sugar replacement on the market.

With this kind of knowledge, there is nothing stopping you from integrating Stevia in your diet. Now go and order stevia powder online and change your life forever, live a healthy life and feel good about yourself!

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