Once a baby arrives in your life, you can prepare yourself for some long walks in the park with your new mean of transportation, its majesty – the prime (chuckles). Just like we need a breath of fresh air, babies need it to, so instead of staying at home all day, you can add a new task to your daily schedule: morning or afternoon walk. Once your kid gets bigger, instead of a prime, you can install a toddler bike seat attachment and make your walks much longer. When it comes to the part when is the ideal time for his/her cycle debut, this mainly depends on your kid's physical development as every kid is different. Generally speaking, once your kid hits his nine months of life, he will be able to firmly sit which means that this is the time when we can rock his first cycle tour.
Now that you know when is the right time for his/her first bike ride, it is time to understand what is the right toddler bike seat attachment to install: front or rear. Before we proceed to determine which is the best, the first and foremost thing you need to understand is what type of child bike seat you are buying. This means that you need to choose a quality child bike seat that complies with the most strict standards, and one that can offer utmost protection. Once done, you can proceed with the second important thing which is to determine your kid's age and weight as both of them are designed for different age and weight. For example, the front ones are great for younger children around 9 months to 3 years of age.
The front ones are ideal for them as they enjoy to have the first seat everywhere they go, which means that front seats will allow them to enjoy the ride while being able to see everything and ask you a million questions (chuckles). Rear bike seats, on the other hand, are ideal for older children around 4-6 years with a maximum weight of 22kg, however, there are some other adjustable seats that can grow with your child.
However, except for the aforementioned things, you should also consider the type of biking your family prefers. For example, if you are into the longer bike trips, then a rear mounted child bike seat is recommended as there are some models with a reclining possibility giving your kid the ability to rest their head without slumping forward.
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