Friday, January 5, 2018

Living with Arthritis - Things That Could Help on a Daily Basis

As the most common cause of disability in Australia, arthritis affects a large number of Australians on a daily basis. This is not a single health condition. In fact, the term arthritis encompasses more than 100 different conditions related to the joint pain and damage. People of all ages can develop joint disease, however it's more common among people over the age of 60. What's more, women tend to be at greater rick of developing arthritis than men. It leads to permanent alterations in the joints that result that can be seen on an X-ray. Aside from causing damage to the joints and the surrounding tissue, arthritis can also affect other organs such as the the lungs, kidneys, and heart. In most cases, the condition is characterized by inflammation within the joints that limits function and mobility.

The condition that leads to inflamed and painful joints is know as inflammatory arthritis. The body's defence mechanism usually creates inflammation in different parts of the body as a way to protect you from bacteria, viruses and other culprits that can damage your health. It's the body's natural reaction to injury. However, in inflammatory arthritis, there is no underlying cause for the inflammation in the joint itself. That's why, medical professionals consider this type of arthritis as an autoimmune disease where the immune system itself is causing damage to the joints. Joint tenderness, pain and swelling are the main symptoms. The inflammation can also cause stiffness and irritability.

Another common type of joint disease is degenerative arthritis. It affects the cartilage whose main purpose is to protect the end of the bones and contribute to smooth movement of the joints. In degenerative arthritis the cartilage loses its initial texture and becomes thinner. The damaged cartilage in turn can change the joint's shape and lead to long-term damage. Living with this condition can be challenging, however there are many products for people with arthritis that can make daily life easier. The most important thing is to have a positive attitude and don't allow the disease to define every aspect of your everyday life. After all, learning how to manage stress is the first step to leading a healthier lifestyle.

Eating a healthy diet and doing some simple exercise can also be very helpful in alleviating the symptoms of arthritis. What's more, by using products for people with arthritis is a great way to gain a sense of independence. From practical cooking appliances to mobility aids, there are many different products that can help you become more independent. Mobility scooters are the most commonly used arthritis aids. They have a practical design and are easy to use. Most models come with either three or four wheels that can provide enhanced support and stability. Furthermore, advanced models of mobility scooters come with extra options that allow you to adjust the scooter to meet your specific needs.

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