Thursday, August 3, 2017

Top 4 Supplements to Boost Your Energy Levels

The road to powerful body is paved with dedication, durability and tons of energy. To gain more energy you will not only need a good diet but supplements to boost energy. There are to choose from, but you will need to find your matching supplement that will correspond with your diet and workout schedule. To make there real differences bellow we will go through all the supplements to boost energy for better workouts.


The main regulators of the metabolism are hormones. They are responsible for realising many biochemicals that help create energy. The most important user of iodine in the body is the thyroid, the place where all the hormones are regulates. To have a more natural intake would be eating seafood and sea veggies, however if you like to have the best results iodine supplements is the best way to go.

Vitamin B12

The human body is made from billions of cells that require the vitamin B12. This vitamin is responsible for the energy metabolism of the body. The thing is the human body does not create B12 on its own, so it has to get it from somewhere else. There are foods that can offer that such as clams, mussels, red meat, but also they are supplements in the form of pills. The most useful way is taking B12 vitamins through pills, because not only that they will give you more energy, you'll know that your are taking the vitamins hence prolonging the effect.


The hormone that is responsible for more energy is the melatonin that is comes from the pineal gland. People who have low levels of melatonin are more fatigued and experience faster aging on their brain. So if you are missing this hormone just a bit (not in clinical levels) you will need to take it as a supplement. Not only that your energy will be greater, but your brain will function as it should. You will get better energy levels, great blood sugar levels and loose some weight even.

Ginkgo Biloba

Another good energy booster is ginkgo biloba. This is a strong anti-oxidant that improves the blood flow, hence giving your more energy. Research done with this supplement has shown that the main benefit of this supplement is improving the mitochondrial respiration and ATP production in the brain cells. They will normalize the activity of all cells, by protecting them and incrising their longevity.

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