Don't allow your holiday trip to be ruined due to a severe case of gastroenteritis. Get a Steripen with you and drink safe water anywhere you go.
Many people have never considered that ice and rinsing after brushing their teeth can lead to gastroenteritis, an illness that if not treated by a doctor, can land you in hospital. But everyone should be aware of hotel drinking water.
Unless the hotel sanitizes their water holding tanks properly, their water may not be safely potable. Plus, there are other situations, when requesting a bottle of water requires extra attention. For example, in Asia, it is extremely important that you ensure all bottles are completely sealed, prior to drinking, as some places offer bottled water that they have re bottled themselves from tap water. So, next time when traveling to areas with questionable water quality, make sure to bring a Steripen with you.
The Steripen is a small, portable UV water purifier device that comes with an ultraviolet light technology that purifies water quickly and easily. All you have to do is dip the device into a glass of water and with a couple of minutes you will have a water that is 99.9% safe to drink.
Different to what many think, the Steripen is not a filter – it is a water purifier, Steripen Australia experts say. It features a UV light that kills viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other water-borne pathgens that can be harmful to your health. The Steripen Aqua is the most economical UV water purifier available and also one of the most effective – in just 48 seconds it eliminates over 99.9% of the water-bone illness causes. It is perfect to carry when traveling as you can use it when visiting any area with questionable water. The Steripen Aqua is an easy-to-use device (just press button, place in water, and stir) and it lasts for up to 3,000 liters of water purification.
When it comes to the benefits of Steripen Australia experts agree that the main one is its ability to sterilize water in any container quickly and easily. Steripen can fit into a variety of different glasses, bottles and other drinking vessels; as long the light on the device can be totally submerged, you can use it.
So, if while traveling you tend to find yourself worried about the quality of water you drink, investing on a Steripen is definitely worth. Used properly, it will save you from some serious gastrointestinal issues.
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